Our Partners Include
Trapital reaches tens of thousands of industry executives, founders, and investors. Through our influential podcast, newsletter, and social channels, you’ll get your company in front of the biggest decision makers.
We build long-term, multi-channel, customized sponsorship campaigns with proven companies that match the high quality insights we share with our audience.
This audience is worth reaching because readers and listeners are execs at top industry companies who control their budgets. Many of them are hard to reach and may ignore the more standard outlets, but Trapital’s trusted voice is a great way to reach them.
You can learn more about each area below, or if you want to get started, click the button below.
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Newsletter (Trapital's weekly memo)
Most shared podcast globally on Spotify (2022)
Open rate
click-thru rate for sponsored links
of subscribers are 5 Stars: have engaged with newsletter in past 30 days

Top 1%
Most shared podcast globally on Spotify (2022)
1 Million
Podcast downloads
Downloads per month
Valuable back catalog of evergreen episodes. 46% of monthly downloads are for episodes 3+ months old
Examples of integrations:
Social video clips
Examples of integrations:
Your logo on our social media clips of our episodes

In-person events
Private dinners with top industry leaders

Company speaking engagements and events

Read what the industry leaders say